Live Search History

GET 30 Credits / request / 30 days /android/keywords/kw-rankings.json

Giving the opposite result as Keywords Rankings for Applications, this endpoint will list applications that were ranked for a given keyword during the interval of time requested. The response will be computed in a best-effort basis, and the list might be incomplete or empty if there's no data available for the period requested.

Live Search History Request

This method returns the rankings for the provided keyword.

Header parameters
Your AppTweak API Key.
Query parameters
keyword: string Required

An url encoded string with the keyword you want to get the rankings for.

country: string us

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the app in.

Get the list of our country codes, here.

language: string en

The two letter language (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the application in.

Get the list of our language codes, here.

start_date: date

The first date for which to get data in YYYY-MM-DD format. The default value is yesterday.

end_date: date

The last date for which to get data in YYYY-MM-DD format. The default value is 90 days ago.

limit: integer [0..500]

An upper limit of how many results should be returned per date.

GET /android/keywords/kw-rankings.json

Request example
GET /android/keywords/kw-rankings.json?country=us&language=us&keyword=mastodon&limit=10&start_date=2019-03-24&end_date=2019-03-31
cURL example
curl -X GET -H "X-Apptweak-Key: ${API_KEY}" ""

Live Search History Response

The response is a JSON object. Each key of the object is a date within the required interval, the matching value is a ranking object holding an array of ranked applications.

Object properties
rankings: array

An array containing the id of the applications that ranked in the day of the current key in which the first application is the the highest ranked.

Response Example

  "content": {
    "2019-03-24": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-25": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-26": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-27": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-28": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-29": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-30": {
      "rankings": [
    "2019-03-31": {
      "rankings": [
  "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/android/keywords/kw-rankings.json",
      "store": "android",
      "params": {
        "country": "us",
        "language": "us",
        "keyword": "mastodon",
        "limit": 10,
        "start_date": "2019-03-24T00:00:00+00:00",
        "end_date": "2019-03-31T00:00:00+00:00",
        "format": "json"
      "performed_at": "2019-07-15 14:55:10 UTC"
    "content": {