Reverse Similar Apps (Incoming)

GET 5 Credits / Request /android/applications/{APPLICATION_ID}/reverse-similar-apps.json

Similar Apps (Incoming) allows you to fetch information about apps for which the required app appears in top positions of the similar apps section in Google Play.

Reverse Similar Apps Request

The request must be done about one app in a specific country and language. The results will contain app ids with positions in which the apps is featured, plus a estimation of which percentile this app is regarding to the country and language combination.

Header parameters
Your AppTweak API Key.
Path parameters
Application ID for which you want to get the the information.
Query parameters
country: string us

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the app in.

Get the list of our country codes, here.

language: string en

The two letter language (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the application in.

Get the list of our language codes, here.

GET /android/applications/{APPLICATION_ID}/reverse-similar-apps.json

Request example
GET /android/applications/com.espn.score_center/reverse-similar-apps.json?country=gb&language=en
cURL example
curl -X GET -H "X-Apptweak-Key: ${API_KEY}" ""

Reverse Similar Apps Response

The response will contain an array called reverse_similar_apps, in which each item is a hash containing an application id in which this app appears in the similar apps section and the position it appears in. It will also contain a key percentile, with the percentile this app is related to how many apps it appears in.

Object properties
reverse_similar_apps: array

An array containing hashes of applications ids and positions



The id of the application for which the requested app appears in the similar apps section


The position in the similar apps list in which the requested app appears.

percentile: number

The percentile the requested app belongs to in this country and language, based on how many similar apps list it appears in.

Response Example

  "content": {
    "application_id": "com.espn.score_center",
    "reverse_similar_apps": [
        "application_id": "com.fivemobile.thescore",
        "position": 0
        "application_id": "com.celltick.lockscreen.theme.ESPN_Games",
        "position": 0
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 0
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 1
        "application_id": "com.netcosports.and.foxsports",
        "position": 1
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 1
        "application_id": "com.audiencemedia.app143",
        "position": 1
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 1
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 3
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 3
        "application_id": "com.netcosports.andflowsports",
        "position": 4
        "application_id": "tv.ustream.ustream",
        "position": 5
        "application_id": "nfl.games_satellite.live_TV",
        "position": 5
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 5
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 6
        "application_id": "com.fightnights.boxing",
        "position": 6
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 8
        "application_id": "com.thuuz.mob",
        "position": 9
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 9
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 9
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 9
        "application_id": "com.formulaone.production",
        "position": 10
        "application_id": "com.wwe.universe",
        "position": 10
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 11
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 11
        "application_id": "com.tennischannel.tceverywhere",
        "position": 12
        "application_id": "tv.mycujoo.mycujooplayer",
        "position": 13
        "application_id": "com.eurosport",
        "position": 13
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 13
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 15
        "application_id": "com.vzw.indycar",
        "position": 18
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 18
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 19
        "application_id": "com.bskyb.fbscore",
        "position": 20
        "application_id": "com.myleaderboard.GolfChannel",
        "position": 20
        "application_id": "",
        "position": 23
    "percentile": 1
  "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/applications/com.espn.score_center/reverse-similar-apps.json",
      "store": "android",
      "params": {
        "country": "gb",
        "language": "en",
        "id": "com.espn.score_center",
        "format": "json"
      "performed_at": "2019-07-15 15:49:43 UTC"
    "content": {